Women make up 50% of the UK population.
But only 35% of MPs are women.
The Conservative Party has a proud tradition of backing female candidates. Every female Prime Minister has been a Conservative. Labour have yet to elect a female leader and are more than 40 years behind. So, as per usual, it's up to the Conservatives to lead the way.
If you are a woman and are interested, please read on or if you know a woman who would make a great candidate, please email her this link so she can view this page and get involved.
It is vitally important that we succeed in this aim so that we have a Parliament which reflects the people, with Conservatives in the vanguard.
We're running sessions in November, December 2022 and January 2023 especially for women who are interested in becoming candidates. It would be great to get you involved!
Information sessions:
29 November 2022 18:00
Information forum for all those thinking of becoming an MP
This session will run through the process of applying to be and the role of being a Member of Parliament. Please email felicity.roochove@conservatives.com to register for this virtual session.
5 December 2022 18:30
Conservative Mums’ information session
This is specifically for mums who are thinking about standing for any type of elected office (MP, councillor, Police & Crime Commissioner, Association Officer etc) to ask women who are current elected representatives all the more logistical questions of how to achieve this. Please email felicity.roochove@conservatives.com to register for this virtual session.
6 December 2022 18:30
Association Officer role information session
This is a session for women who would like to have more information about what an Association Officer does and how to put your name forward for these roles. Please email felicity.roochove@conservatives.com to register for this virtual session.
9 January 2023 18:30
Local Councillor role information session
This is a session for women who would like to have more information about standing for election as local councillors, what happens after election, and how to apply for this important job. Please email felicity.roochove@conservatives.com to register for this virtual session.
So if you are interested, please sign up to join these events, we'd love to welcome you! And if you know a woman who is a great champion, please email her the link to this page!